Lavigor Lavienzym 120 Granules

Ideal to alleviate those inflammatory processes, osteoorticular and vascular affections.
How to use:
Two tablets of LaviGor Lavi Enzym three times a day before the main meals.
It can be increased from two to three tablets in case it does not have the desired effect.
How to use:
Two tablets of LaviGor Lavi Enzym three times a day before the main meals.
It can be increased from two to three tablets in case it does not have the desired effect.

Lavigor 7000, the medical-pharmaceutical división of Tegor Grupo, is in charge of the manufacturing and commercialization of products of proven efficiency in the field of natural medicine, phytotherapy, homeopathy and Cosmetics.
- Reference8429007035822
- BrandLavigor
Customer Reviews
Lavigor Lavienzym 120 Granules